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13 Aug 2021

Planning for impact – advice for researchers

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Planning for impact – advice for researchers

Our research impact is the demonstrable contribution that our work makes to society – to individuals, communities, organisations, nations and the economy.

Engaging with research users and identifying potential impacts from the outset will help you to plan processes by which your research may directly or indirectly catalyse change. Planning includes considering the kinds of impact you are hoping to achieve; that is, what might change, for whom, to what extent, and when.

The NIHR have produced a comprehensive toolkit which can help you to plan for impact at the start of a research project – which will help you to outline how you will engage with research users to deliver impact from your research.

Find out more and access the toolkit

NIHR also has developed an interactive dashboard that summarises and signposts to a range of tools and other practical resources available to support research impact planning, delivery and assessment. Access the Impact Toolkit on NIHR Open Learn.

Plus – some key toolkits available to help you devise an engagement and impact plan include:

Further questions?

If you have any questions around impact or implementation relating to your ARC research project, please contact ARC NENC Implementation Lead, Arne Wolters – [email protected]