Dr Mandy Cheetham

Research Fellow – Knowledge Mobilisation and Implementation (SKIM).

I am currently employed as Research Fellow at Northumbria University. My role is to support the implementation science and knowledge mobilisation (SKIM) theme of the North East and North Cumbria Applied Research Collaboration.

Since completing my PhD at Newcastle University in 2010, I have worked on, co-designed and co-produced a wide variety of applied health research projects, including as an embedded research at Gateshead Council from 2015-2020. In this role, I undertook qualitative research on the health and social impact of Universal Credit, published here. Evidence from this study was cited in the Work and Pensions Select Committee enquiry report into the effects of the wait for first payment in June 2020.

Before moving to academia, I worked in public health, in NHS, regional government and voluntary and community sector organisations in London and NE England.

Research interests

Applied qualitative research in health and inequalities; research and evaluation of public health programmes; co-production; knowledge mobilisation; use of evidence in local government and NHS policy, practice and commissioning; impact of public sector reform and austerity on marginalised communities and people with complex lives; collaborative, place-based and community centred approaches to health and wellbeing.


Van der Graaf, P, Cheetham, M, Redgate, S, Humble, C & Adamson, A (2019) Co-production in Local Government: Process, Codification and Capacity Building of New Knowledge in Collective Reflection Spaces. Workshop Findings From a UK Mixed Methods Study [Preprint] https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-75527/v1

Cheetham, M, Redgate, S, Humble, C Van der Graaf, P, & Adamson (2019). Local Authority Champions of Research: A mixed method Proof of Concept Study Lancet meeting abstract Vol 394 S11 https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(19)32808-9

Cheetham M. Moffatt S. Addison M. and Wiseman A. (2019) Impact of Universal Credit in North East England: a qualitative study of claimants and support staff, British Medical Journal Open:9:e029611. https://bmjopen.bmj.com/content/9/7/e029611

Cheetham M, Wiseman A, Khazaeli B, Gibson E, Gray P, Van Der Graaf P, Rushmer R. Embedded Research; a promising way to create evidence-informed impact in public health, Journal of Public Health, Volume 40, Issue suppl_1, 1 March 2018, i64–i70, https://doi.org/10.1093/pubmed/fdx125

Cheetham M, Van der Graaf P, Khazaeli B, Gibson E, Wiseman A, Rushmer R. “It was the whole picture.” A mixed methods study of successful components in an integrated wellness service in North East England. BMC Health Services Research, 2018,18:200,https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-018-3007-z

Van der Graaf, P, Cheetham, M, McCabe K, Rushmer R. (2018) Localising and tailoring published research evidence helps public health decision making Health Information and Libraries Journal, 35, 202-212.doi:10.1111/hir.12219

Cheetham M, Visram V, Rushmer R, Greig G, Gibson E, Khazaeli B, Wiseman A. (2017) ‘It’s not a quick fix’ structural and contextual issues that affect implementation of integrated health & wellbeing services: a qualitative study from North East England Public Health 152, 99-107.

Cheetham, M. Wiseman, A. Gibson, E. Khazaeli, B. Van der Graaf, P. Rushmer, R. “A Fresh set of eyes?” Negotiating the realities of embedded research in public health BMJ Open Mar 2017, 7 (Suppl 2) bmjopen-2017-016492.43; DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2017-016492.43 http://bmjopen.bmj.com/search/cheetham

Visram, S., Crossley, S. J., Cheetham, M., Lake, A. (2017) Children and young people’s perceptions of energy drinks: A qualitative study PLoS ONE 12 (11):  https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0188668

Visram, S., Cheetham, M., Riby, D. M., Crossley, S. J., Lake, A. A. (2016) Consumption of energy drinks by children and young people: a rapid review examining evidence of physical effects and consumer attitudes BMJ Open; 6 (10): http://bmjopen.bmj.com/lookup/doi/10.1136/bmjopen-2015-010380

Burges Watson, D., Cheetham, M., Rhodes, A., Conaty, K., Bryant, V. (2015) Moving Beyond Tokenism: a public health response on Researcher in Residence models British Medical Journal Quality and Safety 30 April http://qualitysafety.bmj.com/content/23/10/801.short/reply#content-block

Rushmer, R. K., Cheetham, M., Cox, L., Crosland, A., Gray, J., Hughes, L., Hunter, D. J., McCabe, K., Seaman, P., Tannahill, C., Van Der Graaf, P. (2014) Research utilisation and knowledge mobilization in the commissioning and joint planning of public health interventions to reduce alcohol related harms – a study in the co-creation of knowledge, NIHR Health Service & Delivery Research, Volume 3, Issue 33, August, London.

Cheetham, M. (2014) The social meanings of the C-Card Scheme: the importance of friends and peers Sex Education: Sexuality, Society and Learning, Volume 14, No. 2, pp.115-127.

Cheetham, M, Ellins A, Callum J (2013) Involving young people in health service delivery. Nursing Standard, Vol. 27, No. 30, pp 35-40.

Book chapter

Cheetham M. Gorman S, Wiseman A, Gibson E. (2019) “It’s not about telling people to eat better, stop smoking or get on the treadmill” Chapter Co-creating and co-producing research evidence: a guide for academics and practitioners in health, social care and education Eds. Newbury-Birch and Keith Allan. (pp 66-77) Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon.

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