The Virtual College Training Hub

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Training session: Autistic Masking – the projection of acceptability

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Autistic Masking: The Projection of Acceptability on Wednesday 22nd June 10am – 12pm.

‘The Inside of Autism’ looks to introduce and reframe the autism narrative from the least heard perspective, that of Autistic people.

Kieran Rose does this through the lens of Autistic Masking and Burnout, via the complicated and flawed history of the autism narrative, harmful and stigmatising neuronormative expectations, social disparities and exclusions which cause trauma responses in Autistic people; and by introducing concepts like the Double Empathy Problem, Monotropism and other up-to-date participatory and inclusive research.

The training:

  • Explores why the Mask exists and why it is specific to Autistic people and imperative to the understanding of Autistic experience
  • Defines the Mask and Autistic Burnout & looks at why it sits at the heart of the autism narrative
  • Looks at the implications of Masking and Burnout and the role of stigma within that
  • Answers where and what the current research and popular narratives around both Masking and Burnout are mis-conceptualising
  • Examines professional practice, focusing on removing confirmation bias, avoiding research vacuums; and recognising and supporting neuro-cultural differences

This can be a space that many professionals may find challenging and difficult. There is a real need for participants to sit uncomfortably and try to be reflective. Any criticisms are aimed towards systems that fail Autistic people and professionals alike, and not of criticisms of individual professionals attending.

Much of the information and perspectives may be new to you and sometimes difficult to correlate with your experience and past practice, which is why there is a dedicated and non-judgemental Q&A post talk to explore those feelings and perceptions and also explore ways to move forward.

If you would like to book a place at this event please register using this link: Autistic Masking: The Projection of Acceptability – Creating Connections Event – Google Forms