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Strengthening mental health research and practice in our region


Strengthening mental health research and practice in the North East and North Cumbria

Thursday 9 November, 10am until 3pm, St James Park, Newcastle Upon Tyne

An event led by the NIHR ARC North East and North Cumbria, supported by Fuse, the Centre for Translational Research in Public Health.

Background to the event

We have a significant mental health burden in our region, much of which is inextricably linked to poverty and poor health.

In 2022, the NIHR ARC North East and North Cumbria was awarded extra funding from NIHR as part of a large national investment in mental health research in high need groups and under-researched areas.

Since then, partners from across the region have been working together deliver a programme of work to support mental health research and practice in our region. Key collaborators in this programme include our two mental health trusts – Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear (CNTW) NHS Foundation Trust and Tees Esk and Wear Valley (TEWV) NHS Foundation Trust, alongside the Integrated Care System (ICS) for the North East and North Cumbria.

About the event

This event will bring together researchers, practitioners, mental health service providers and commissioners, members of the public and service users, to showcase research linked to mental health – including research in areas of unmet need and research led by mental health professionals.

It will also include work in key areas of mental health concern in our region such as suicide prevention, maternal/perinatal mental health, mental health in schools, supporting mental health in areas of blanket deprivation, and more.

The event will also be an opportunity to learn more about our regional mental health special interest group – which brings together researchers, practitioners and public members.

It will also offer a chance to discuss how we can develop an integrated approach to mental health research and care delivery, in our region.

Who should attend?

This event is aimed at anyone who has an interest in strengthening mental health research and practice, and developing an integrated approach to mental health research and care delivery, in our region.

This could include researchers, practitioners and policy makers, mental health service commissioners and providers, voluntary and community sector providers, those with lived experience, public members or service users.


The event will include a mix of speakers, interactive sessions, short presentations with Q&As, and an opportunity to share views and feedback on mental health research priorities for our region. 

Arrival and registration will be from 9.30 am and the event will begin at 10am.

Registration is now closed, but an event round-up and summary of presentations will be available on our website after the event.