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RIPEN Network North East Academic Research Forum – March 2024 meeting

Event: Wednesday, 06 March 2024, 1pm until 2 pm

Speaker: Adam Todd – Adam Todd is a professor of pharmaceutical public health in the school of pharmacy, at Newcastle University. He leads a programme of research that applies pharmaceutical knowledge to prevent disease, prolong life, promote health, and reduce health inequalities, across different populations.


Title: supPOrtiNg shared DEcision-making for deprescRibing in palliative care: The PONDER study


Overview: Literature searching, semi-structed interviews with healthcare professionals, patients and their family members, and codesign approaches were used to develop a prompt to support decision-making to promote deprescribing in palliative care.

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RIPEN (Research In Palliative and End of life care NE) is a group of clinicians and academics from across the region who aim to bring together different people and organisations from a wide range of backgrounds, to grow palliative and end-of-life care research in an area where patients and families are most likely to benefit. If you are interested in this area of research please go to the RIPEN Network for more information.