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19 Dec 2023

Seasons greetings from the ARC North East and North Cumbria

Festive tree

Christmas tree

Dear colleagues,

As we come to the end of another busy and productive year, we wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for your ongoing contribution to our Applied Research Collaboration.

Earlier this year, we marked our ‘fourth birthday’ and we’re now into the fifth year of our ARC. We have achieved so much over those four years, and still have much more to achieve.

Alongside the significant research capacity we’ve created in our region through our research fellowships, PhD studentships, practice fellowships and funded masters places, we’ve also established several new research communities including our mental health special interest group; social care special interest group; peer research community of practice; and RIPEN network (palliative and end of life care).

We’ve also seen the completion of the vast majority of our 53 Open Funding Competition projects, with several going on to develop further work as a result of the initial project.

We’ve also given Dialogue and Change Awards to a number of projects, in recognition of their commitment to public involvement.

And we’ve grown our network membership to more than 500 colleagues from across a wide range of sectors including health and social care, local government, the community and voluntary sector, public members, and more.

We’ve also delivered more than 90 online or in person events, including a successful national ARC conference which highlighted our leadership in the areas of health inequalities and prevention.

You can read more about our work on our latest news page.

As we move through year five of our ARC, we will continue to focus on our core aims, which include:

  • Generating evidence to support our regional health and care priorities
  • Mobilising knowledge and supporting implementation to improve health and care
  • Demonstrating our impact and making a difference
  • Engaging and involving public members in all we do.

We look forward to continuing to work with you across 2024.

Professor Eileen Kaner, Director

Professor Chris Price, Deputy Director

Dr Oonagh McGee, Chief Operating Officer