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13 Sep 2023

Strengthening mental health research and practice in the North East and North Cumbria – call for contributions

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Strengthening mental health research and practice in the North East and North Cumbria

Thursday 9 November, 10am until 3pm, St James Park, Newcastle Upon Tyne

An event led by the NIHR ARC North East and North Cumbria, supported by Fuse, the Centre for Translational Research in Public Health.

Call for contributions

In November, we will be hosting an event, supported by Fuse, the Centre for Translational Research in Public Health, which will explore how we can strengthen mental health research and practice in the North East and North Cumbria

The aim of this event is to bring together researchers, practitioners, mental health service providers and commissioners, members of the public and service users, to showcase and share research and best practice linked to mental health.

This will include research in key areas of mental health concern in our region such as suicide prevention, maternal/perinatal mental health, mental health in schools, supporting mental health in areas of blanket deprivation, and more.

How can you contribute?

We are keen to hear from anyone who would like to share research that is linked to mental health, as part of an afternoon session of short talks to small groups. We are keen to make this event as broad and inclusive as possible and welcome all ideas.

Who will attend?

This event is aimed at anyone who has an interest in strengthening mental health research and practice, and in developing an integrated approach to mental health research and care delivery, in our region. This could include researchers, practitioners and policy makers, mental health service commissioners and providers, voluntary and community sector providers, those with lived experience, public members or service users.

If you have any idea to contribute or work that you’d like to share, please email [email protected] by Friday 23 September.

Find out more about the event, and register to attend.