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25 Feb 2022

Survey – tell us about your experiences of obtaining research approvals


Obtaining research approvals: Survey of support needs of NENC ARC members

As part of trying to understand how to support ARC members’ training needs, we are conducting a short survey of people’s experience of obtaining (or thinking about) research approvals and thoughts on support needs.

We will also be doing some (optional) follow-up interviews where we hope to explore some of the areas touched on in the survey.

The survey should take around five minutes to compkete and we would really appreciate people taking the time to complete it. It is open until 11 March.

You can access the survey using this link

Please email Marian Momoh at Newcastle University if you have any questions or difficulties accessing the survey  – [email protected]

The survey is being managed by ARC Fellows Matt Breckons and Maggie Fu and Marian Momoh (Final Year Biomedical Sciences)