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Diane Nicholson

ARC Practice Fellow


I initially trained as a Adult nurse at Shotley Bridge Hospital. Though my passion was sparked for paediatrics during this training.  Once qualified I gained experience in Children’s nursing to then gain a further Nursing diploma in Children’s nursing.

I worked regionally in NHS before finding my calling and joining St. Oswalds Children and Young Adult Service in 2003.

Caring for Children and Young adults with life limiting and shortening conditions and their families is a privileged position to hold. To then have a positive impact in their lives is very satisfying;  working together to make things as best as they can be. Making the most of the lives they lead.

For the past ten years I’ve worked as a Sister on the unit.

In the last three years, my role has changed with a specific focus  of enhancing care quality and quality improvement; focusing on Care Quality Commission matters and audit work.

Summary of research project 

Project Iris

Examining Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) techniques within a Children’s hospice/short break setting.

The project aims to demonstrate if progress of AAC skills should happen locally within St Oswald’s Children Service and what that progress should be ?

Communication is pivotal to providing the best care.

Are we communicating optimally with our Children and Young Adults?

In spotlighting this I hope for whole team engagement and acceptance of any related change.

Achieved by-

Review of current literature.

  • 25% of the team will undergo Qualitative interviews establishing their experiences and views to highlight the current picture of AAC within the Children’s Service.
  • Benchmarking with similar services in England by means of a survey.

Areas of interest 

  • Quality Improvement
  • Research as a change agent.
  • Paediatric Nursing
  • Effective Leadership
  • Communication


Get in touch

Email:  [email protected]