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Practice Briefing: Combatting and Responding to Stigma, Trauma, Substances, and Domestic Violence and Abuse:


Practice Briefing provides guidance around combatting and responding to stigma, trauma, substances, and domestic violence and abuse.

A recent good practice accelerator event which focused on combatting stigma has led to the development of a new Practice Briefing, led by Durham University.

The regional event, in partnership with Newcastle City Council and researchers linked to the ARC NENC, attracted over 350 international participants including public health, social care and criminal justice professionals, as well as volunteers and those supporting individuals and families with substance related and DVA concerns.

The event has led to the development of a briefing paper which offers key recommendations to challenge stigma across health and social care, and criminal
justice settings.

Combatting and Responding to Stigma, Trauma, Substances, and Domestic Violence and Abuse: Practice Briefing